Monday, April 26, 2010

What My $35 Can Buy

I just returned from the grocery store which I can walk to in about 5 minutes (longer depending on how long it takes to cross traffic which doesn't stop for pedestrians). I took my reusable bags which make carrying my purchases home much easier. I thought I'd take a photo of what $35 can buy. I laid out all my groceries and pulled out my camera which i just put new batteries in just over a week ago and...the batteries are dead!!!! cheap batteries! Anyway, I took a lousy picture with my computer to show you what I can buy.
We have watermelon, yogurt, baking powder, baking soda, brown rice, soy sauce, sweet potato, snow peas, barley, mangoes and sticky rice (to celebrate my sister's birthday today!!) guava, spinach, mushrooms, bean sprouts, apples, tomatoes, carrots, bananas, a pineapple, pumpkin, onions, string beans, parsley and spaghetti sauce (not photographed). Not bad eh? (Hey mom, if you are reading this I hope this answers your question about if I'm eating healthy!!) If I went to the open air street market I could actually actually save myself another $7 or so but the markets are all closed down by the time I get off work.

Actually this is more food than I typically have in my house all at one time but I figured that I'd better have enough food for a little while just in case things in BKK get interesting.

Now, what shall I have for dinner?

1 comment:

  1. I am totally impressed! Normally, healthy food really brings up the price, but you did great.
